Cultivating Living Soils:
The Power of Soil Food Webs in Permaculture and Beyond
Webinar Details
Dr. Vandana Shiva and Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Future of Farming
Special Discussion and Audience Q&A
Jan. 24, 2024 :: 6am PT / 2pm UK
Join us for an insightful discussion with Dr. Vandana Shiva, a passionate advocate for biodiversity and sustainable farming, and Dr. Elaine Ingham, a leading expert in soil ecology. These dynamic scientists will delve into the significance of regenerative agriculture for our planet. Together, they will explore topics such as biodiversity conservation, soil health, empowering farmers and gardeners, climate resilience, and global success stories in the regenerative agriculture movement. Whether you’re a farmer, environmentalist, or just have a curious mind, join us to gain valuable insights into creating a more sustainable and resilient future. After their conversation there will be a live audience Q&A session with these fascinating and accomplished scientists!
Farmer Case Study
Mixed Species Orchard
Feb. 1, 2024 :: 11am PT / 7pm UK
Soil Food Web School trained, Regenerative Soils & Living Compost Specialist, Jo Tobias, brings her clients, Cathy and Ian Finley of Little Dog Farm, to share their story with us. Three years ago, faced with a seemingly barren 50-acre landscape, Cathy and Ian embarked on a mission to rejuvenate their land for optimal fruit production. Their current plan involves cultivating fruit trees, consisting of about 50 varieties in total, of different types of apples, plums, peaches, nectarines, and crabapples. The fruit trees are grown alongside nitrogen-fixing trees, for a total of nearly 3,000 trees. Join us to see how the soil has undergone a remarkable transformation, is pulsating with vitality, and provides a promising sign for the orchard’s future.
Symbiotic Impact of Agroecology and the Soil Food Web
With Syntropic Agriculture Founder, Ernst Gotsch
Feb. 15, 2024 :: 11am PT / 7pm UK
Unlock solutions to pressing environmental challenges in our webinar with Ernst Gotsch and SFW Student, Philip Barton. Ernst will introduce us to his Agroecological Farming Model and will share his experience and vast knowledge about management, ecosystem benefits, and pest and disease issues, as well as highlighting some of the projects he’s worked on around the world, including a soy and cotton plantation where he has reported yields to increase by 130%, to ensure it is understood that this is Ernst’s claim. Philip partnered with Ernst to compare the soil biology of 4 Brazilian landscapes and found remarkable differences in soil microbiology. This research underscores the transformative potential of combining Agroecological Farming and the SFW Approach as a blueprint for regenerative agriculture.
Cultivating Living Soils:
Why Soil Matters and How to Further Your Education in Soil Regeneration
Feb. 28, 2024 :: 11am PT / 7pm UK
Dr. Carla Portugal, Dr. Adam Cobb, and Dr. Elaine Ingham will join us to talk about the role of soil life in our biosphere. They will share remarkable examples of soil regeneration in action, as well as discuss case studies highlighting the work of our students and consultants, who are changing the world by regenerating one piece of land at a time! See how partnerships between plants and microorganisms build and maintain the core functions of soil ecosystems, and find out why, when developing land management plans for permaculture, regenerative agriculture, ecological restoration, syntropic agroforestry, or any other production system, soil food webs are the heart of the system!
There will also be a Q&A session for those interested in furthering their education in soil regeneration. This is the webinar for you; whether you want to be a soil biology consultant, or you are a farmer or gardener!
About Dr. Elaine's Soil Food Web School
Dr. Elaine Ingham is recognized as one of the foremost soil biologists in the world. For nearly four decades, she has been conducting research and expanding our understanding of her discovery, the Soil Food Web Approach, also known as “Nature’s Soil Operating System.” At the Soil Food Web School, we train farmers, and people who help farmers, to transition away from using chemicals to using biology. This results in significant benefits to the farmer and to the environment, as well as to the consumer.